WP-Tube-Plugin (Theme) Tutorial
If you want to remove text "Login to wp-admin and go to Appearance → Widgets → ApeTheme_Ad15 contain advertising code here" from theme then please follow the below
Theme wiget link you can find from wp-admin->Appearance->widget
Just Ad HTML area in each widget and keep it blank message "Login to wp-admin and go to Appearance.... " will disappear. Actually this is adsense area. you can put your adsense code on HTML and your ad will be appear on theme.
WordPress 3.0 includes custom menu management options. To enable this feature, simply check the box below and then click "Appearance" followed by "Menus" to create your own custom menus. Please note that when you enable Menu Management below that all the default theme menu items will be replaced.
Theme options link you can find on wp-admin->Appearance->theme-options
There are just 11 (Eleven) links in wp-tube-plugin themes options are (WTP Payment Info Page, Automatic update the new version of WTP theme, General Configuration, Home Page Settings, Theme Background, Customization Text On Video Player, Put Your AdSense Code On Video Player, Put Your AD Between Videos, Header Customization, Footer Customization, Google Analytics Configuration ).
WTP Payment Info Page
You need to enter your payment info (payment email id & transaction id) before run the theme.
Automatic update the new version of WTP theme
You need to check checkbox if you want to auto update WTP plugin.
General Configuration
Here you can set the general configuration about the theme are as below.
Sort By: You want to show your post in home page ( by default "latest post" show in homepage ) other options are (Most Viewed, Top Rated, Most Discussed, Random). if you select "Most Viewed" option then most viewed videos will display on homepage. if you select "Top Rated" option then top rated videos will display on homepage. same for other options.
Switch sidebar default (content left sidebar right): You can change the Content/Sidebar position on homepage . Default is "Content Left, Sidebar Right". If you want to see sidebar on left hand side and content on right hand side then please select "Content Right, Sidebar Left" option.
Select Theme: You can select the other themes color. There are 140 theme colors.
Home Page Settings (Set Number Of Videos On Homepage)
You can set No of videos on homepage ( Recent, Most Vided, Top Rated ) and you can set Homepage First Position , Second Position, Third Position
Theme Customization (Background Image, Theme Width)
You can change the theme width and theme background from this link.
Customization Text On Video Player
Customization Text On Video Player - In this option you can display your site name or any text on video player. If you fill blank then no text will be display on video player.
NOTE: This is not watermark. It is just display text on screen. Please Click Here how it looks like on your video player. If you want to disable this feature then just remove the text.
It is not possible to put watermark or any type of logo or text in embed videos. We have to use same as source website provide.
Enter Text You Want To Display On Video: You can enter the text you want to display over video player.
Text Size: You can select the text size (Default is 10px)
Enter Text Color: You can enter the text color. Only HTML Color Format (Eg: #FF0000). Click Here To Select Online.
NOTE- No need to put # infront of html color only fill like this (FF0000).
Text will be display on Right Bottom On the video player
Put Your AdSense Code On Video Player
Enter Your AdSense Code You Want To Display Over Video: You need to enter the HTML code of your AdSense image/banner. your ad will be display on center of embed code.
Example:- If you set the 10 seconds as in below screenshot then ad will be appear on adult video after every 10 seconds.
Put Your AD Between Videos
Enter Your AdSense Code You Want To Display Over Video: You need to enter the HTML code of your AdSense image/banner. your ad will be display between videos you set.
Example:- If set "2" then your ad will be display after every 2nd videos. Please check screenshot of admin panel how it look like.
Header Customization
You can customize the theme header.
First Browse button: options are to upload and configure a custom favicon. It is recommended that you use an image that is proportionally square (e.g. "50px x 50px").
Second Browse button: Upload your company Logo image. Or, enter optional white text name logo. (Maximum image dimensions of logo: "450px x 70px" and Image type is .png).
First Text Button: Enter optional white text logo name below. This text feature overrides uploaded logo images. Delete text in box below to convert back to uploaded logo image.
Check checkbox if you want to remove the header page menu just click the checkbox and save settings.
Put the "page id" you want to show in your header just put the id example (1, 2, 3, 4). id you can find "page id" from page (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page) if you keep it blank then all pages will be display on footer.
Footer Customization
First Text Area: Input your html banner code in the box below. You can enter AdSense html code or affiliate html link code with image parameters in the code.
Second Text Area: you can enter any test you want to display on footer. you can enter AdSense code affiliate code and anything you want to display on footer.
Check the checkbox if you want to remove the footer page menu.
Put the "page id" you want to show in your header just put the id example (1, 2, 3, 4). id you can find "page id" from page (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page) if you keep it blank then all pages will be display on footer.
Google Analytics Configuration
You can enter google Analytics code its optional.