WP-Tube-Plugin General Problems
You can view video for 60 seconds only. Please register to view the full video
There is problem when extracting (unzip/unrar) WTP(Pro) package
Your WTP(Pro) License Has Been Terminated
Zero(0) Videos Grab From Xvideos (any source feed)
You can view video for 60 seconds only. Please register to view the full video
By default visitor can view only 60 seconds video. You can change the time (in seconds) and message from WTP (Pro) -> WTP Settings (wp-admin/admin.php?page=wtp-settings)
If you want to disable this message. Please go to "Plugins" and Deactivate "Restrict Content Pro" Plugin.
Secure Connection Failed
Normally this problem will never comes on video page. This problem comes when any website is ban by your ISP / Country and you are still trying to view that site video . If you really want to see that site video then add VPN addone on your browser. and select other country and view that site video.
There is problem when extracting (unzip/unrar) WTP(Pro) package
Normally this problem does not comes if you are are unzip through Window 10/8/7. This problem comes when you are extracting through winzip or winrar because winzip or winrar can not extract file path if greater then 260 characters. winzip or winrar skip those files length greater then 260 characters. winzip or winrar does not extracting all files.
simply rename the zip package "WTP(Pro)V-4.8+YouTube-Videos-Grabber.zip" to "WTP(Pro).zip" or any small name and extract it again with winzip or winrar. now no error comes.
Your WTP(Pro) License Has Been Terminated
1) If you have purchased only theme and after installation you see this error "Your WTP(Pro) License Has Been Terminated" then please login to wp-admin and Appearance->theme options (wp-admin/themes.php?page=wtp_admin_menu). you will see "WP-Tube-Plugin Payment Information Page" and enter your payment email id and transaction id and save settings and check your site. this problem will resolve. if still display same error on site then please double check your payment email id and transaction id and enter correct. if still have problem then don't worry just mail at wtpplugin@gmail.com. We will check and resolve it ASAP.
2) If you have purchased WTP(Pro) package or WTP Plugin Only then please unzip the package you download and read installation.txt. there are other supported plugins and themes inside the package.
If you have purchased WTP(Pro) package or WTP Plugin Only and after installation you see this error "Your WTP(Pro) License Has Been Terminated" then login to wp-admin and WTP(Pro)->Transaction Info Page (wp-admin/admin.php?page=wtp-transaction-info) and enter your payment email id and transaction id and save settings and check your site. this problem will resolve. if still display same error on site then please double check your payment email id and transaction id and enter correct. if still have problem then don't worry just mail at wtpplugin@gmail.com. We will check and resolve it ASAP.
If this type of problem comes in future then just follow any one of above way to resolve it yourself.
Zero(0) Videos Grab From Xvideos (any source feed)
When you try to grab videos again and again from URL then after some time videos not grab from that URL this is because script already grabbed all videos from that page. You need to change "Source Feed URL". Suppose you are grabbing recent videos from amature category. then change "Source Feed URL" with most viewed videos from amature category . videos will grab again.
Normally script will grab videos automatically when new videos are added to source website.