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WP-Tube-Plugin.com Affiliate

WP-Tube-Plugin Affiliate Program: Refer Customers and Earn Money

The WP-Tube-Plugin affiliate program is a great way for you to EARN 10%COMMISSION on every sale. by placing WP-Tube-Plugin banners or links on your website to refer users to the WP-Tube-Plugin.com website. You can earn 10% every time a user clicks on the banner/link and makes purchase on our site.

There are many ways to make money with wp-tube-plugin
1) Make quick and large money from WTP(Reseller) account
2) Earn money from Paid Member Subscription Plan
3) Put Ad On your WP-Tube-Plugin theme and earn money. (WP-Tube-Plugin have ideal theme for adscence. We have so many adscence space on adult tube theme.) WP-Tube-Plugin Provide 1,400 Adult Tube Themes FREE
4) Share Traffic and make money.
5) Earn Money From WP-Tube-Plugin Affiliate.
WP-Tube-Plugin Facts
1) Recently Paid $1,023 As Affiliate Pay Out.
2) Total Paid $50,362 As Affiliate Pay Out.
3) Proving Our Services From Last 13 Years.
4) We Sold Out 26,956+ Copies Worldwide In 13 Years.
How Commissions Are Calculated
If you're new to affiliate marketing, the idea of earning commissions for promoting other people's products can be both exciting and confusing. How do you know how much you'll earn? How is the sale tracked and reported? When will you get paid for the sales you've driven?
Understanding Commissions
Here's a simple overview of how Wp-Tube-Plugin commissions work:
1. You promote WP-Tube-Plugin and create a customized HopLink
2. You promote the WP-Tube-Plugin product online.
3. A customer clicks on your affiliate link, goes to the WP-Tube-Plugin website, and ends up purchasing the product.
4. The customer purchases the product from WP-Tube-Plugin.com and you receive 10% credit for promoting the sale.
5. Your commission is calculated based on the Net Sale Price (see below) and credited to your account within two minutes of the sale.
How Commissions Are Calculated and Reported
WP-Tube-Plugin product has a 10% commission rate that is set by the Admin. When you drive a sale to that product, WP-Tube-Plugin processes the sale, applies its charges, then calculates the commission rate based on the remaining net sale amount.

Here's an example of how much you'll earn on a one-time purchase if product cost $100 with a 10% commission rate:

WTP Price (Reseller): $399
All Taxes (Included): 6% of $399 = $23.94
Net Sale Amount: Retail Price ($399) - All Taxes ($23.94) = $375.06
10% Affiliate Commision of Net Sale Amount ($375.06) = $ 37.51 (Approx)
Therefore, as the referring affiliate for this sale, You would earn $ 37.51.
Payment Method
Paypal/Payza/Skrill is the only method of payment that the program currently offers
Minimum Amount
Minimum Payout Amount : $100
Payout date
End of every month
Getting Paid
Obviously, the goal of being an affiliate is to get paid for your efforts.
Note: Affiliates cannot purchase the product using their own affiliate links. This issue will not be registered.
We have been hard at work the last few months to bring you a new control panel and backend, we are very happy with the results. Please note that the system is still a work in progress and lacks many of the features we will be adding in the upcoming days and weeks or months.

Though we thoroughly tested the system, we would ask that you please contact us for any bugs or suggestions. Please note that the ticket system may have a high amount of requests in the next week and it may take longer to respond than usual. Please do not reply multiple times, your ticket will be answered as soon as possible! Again, please contact us for any bugs, suggestions or even feature requests. We are going to be able to provide much more in-depth tracking details in the upcoming weeks or months.

We have some exciting features and changes coming soon!

wp-tube-plugin affiliate program

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wp-tube-plugin affiliate
Our affiliates earn 10% commission on every sale!