WP-Tube-Plugin (Plugin) Tutorial
There are just 10 (Ten) links in wp-tube-plugin i.e. (Transaction Info, WTP Feeds, Add Feed Category, Pornstar Feeds, Add Pornstars, CSV Grabber, Delete Broken Videos, WTP Settings, Cpanel Cron job, WTP Cron job ) are shown in below image.
Transaction Info
WP-Admin → WTP(Pro) → Transaction Info
Transaction Info:This is very important page. Without filling correct payment email id and transaction id script does not work. This is mandatory to fill these info on your site. If you are running script on multiple domains then you have to fill payment info on each domain.
Without filling correct payment info or empty page, script give below error.
Your WTP(Pro) License Has Been Terminated
Please Contact WP-Tube-Plugin.com Support Team Immediately
NOTE- If you filled correct payment info and still displaying this error then please email to wtpplugin@gmail.com
WTP Feeds
WP-Admin → WTP(Pro) → WTP Feeds
WTP (Feeds) - Here you will see the list of all feeds created from "Add Feed Category" list will be display order by domain name (A to Z). If you just installed wp-tube-plugin then you will find default category (Amature). There is pagination (1 to 10) at the bottom of the page to display all feeds.
ID: This is just a serial number (1,2……).
Feed Source: This display the feed source provider (e.g., xvideos, redtube, pornhub………)
Status: This field tells the status of the feed Enable/Disable. Green button tells that feed is Enable and red button
tells that feed is disable. You can Enable or Disable the feed status by clicking on this button. WP-Tube-Plugin grabs videos from enabled
feeds only. Wp-tube-plugin does not grab videos from disable
feeds. If you does not want to grab videos from a specific feed then you can change status disable
Feed Status: This is the status of the videos for specific feed ( Publish / Draft/ Pending ). Default feeds status is Publish. Videos will be published automatically on site when script grab videos. If you set Feed Status as Draft then videos Save As Draft and you need to manually published the Draft videos. Pending is same as Draft.
Max Videos: this number indicates the number of videos to be grabbed from an each feeds. Default number is (4) and maximum number you can enter is (99).
We prefer you to grab less number of videos from each feeds because less number of videos does not LOAD TO YOUR SERVER CPU and does not effect to your MYSQL SERVER. We always prefer to grab small numbers of videos and grab daily.
If you grab large number of videos from each feeds then script take time to grab videos and it LOAD TO YOUR SERVER CPU and on your MYSQL SERVER too. After some time when you have large videos in your database then it may create problem when you grab videos. So avoid to grab large number of videos.
Select Category: You can select the videos destination category to be saved. Videos will be saved in selected categories. You can make new WordPress categories from (/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category) and these categories will be display in this drop down.
Source Category URL: here you can paste the source category URL from which you wants to grab videos. Example you want to grab videos from xvideos.com (anal category) then open site xvideos.com and go to anal category URL (http://www.xvideos.com/c/Anal-12) copy this URL from source website and paste this on field "Source Category URL"
You will find checkbox at end of each feeds. If you made any changes in any feeds then you have to check the checkbox
infront of that feed and click the "Save Settings" button
on header / footer.
NOTE- if you want to make any changes in feeds (like Feed Status, Max Videos, Select Category, Source Category URL) first make changes as you want on feed then don’t forget to check the checkbox in front of that feed and click the "Save Settings"
button on header or footer. If you does not check the checkbox and click save settings then feed will not update.
In above Image we have changed some feeds have red marked over it. And we have checked those rows by clicking checkbox at end of the row made changes
If you checked some feeds & click "Save Settings" then value on those feeds will be SAVE as you set.
If you checked some feeds & click "Selected Feeds Disable" then selected feeds will be Disable
If you checked some feeds & click "Selected Feeds Enable" then selected feeds will be Enable
If you checked some feeds & click "Selected Feeds Deleted" then selected feeds will be Deleted
If you want to select all feeds on page then click the checkbox at top of the page as shown in below image
Grab Videos from Single Feeds
If you want to grab videos from specific feeds like 2porn.tv then click button "Import Videos From 2porn.tv" button. This will grab videos from 2porn.tv only. If you want to grab videos from another feed the click "Import Videos From …." Button at last row of that feed.
Grab Videos from Multiple Feeds
There is pagination at bottom of the page "Grab Videos from Page 1", "Grab Videos From Page 2", "Grab Videos From Page 3", "Grab Videos From Page 4"……………….
"Grab Videos from Page 1" grab videos from page 1 feeds ONLY.
"Grab Videos from Page 2" grab videos from page 2 feeds ONLY.
"Grab Videos from Page 3" grab videos from page 3 feeds ONLY.
Add Feed Category
WP-Admin → WTP(Pro) → Add Feed Category
You can add new category like (Amateur, Anal…) from provided feeds. you can ad as much as category you want.
Grab Videos By : You can grab videos by category or by search or by tag . just click the drop down you will find options.
Select Source Category [If you select by category]: You need to select source category from which you want to grab videos.
Enter Search Text [If you select by search]: You need enter search text Eg- "Anal Sex"
Destination Category: You can select the destination category where videos will be save. You can make new WordPress category from page Post->Category (wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category).
#No of videos to grab: You can select the number of videos (2, 4, 6….) to be grabfrom that category.
We prefer you to grab less number of videos from each feeds because less number of videos does not LOAD TO YOUR SERVER CPU and does not effect to your MYSQL SERVER.
We always prefer to grab small numbers of videos and grab daily.If you grab large number of videos from each feeds then script take time to grab videos and it LOAD TO YOUR SERVER CPU and on your MYSQL SERVER too. After some time when you have large videos database then it may create problem when you grab videos. So avoid to grab large number of videos.
Feed Status: This is the status of the videos for a feed ( Publish / Draft/ Pending ). Default feeds status as Publish videos will be published automatically on site when script grab videos. If you set Feed Status as Draft then videos Save As Draft and you need to manually published the Draft videos. same as Pending.
Select source feeds: Please check the source feed from which you want to grab videos. Eg- suppose you want to grab videos from amature category and you "select all" from Select source feeds. then script will grab videos from amature category from all feeds.
You will find all category you make in WTP Feeds section. now just click the button "Import videos from page 1", ""Import videos from page 2 ".... and grab videos.
After adding category you can see that category in WTP (Feeds) list (listed is sorted by feed name A to Z) as image below.
Pornstars Feeds
WP-Admin → WTP(Pro) → Pornstars Feeds
Pornstar Feeds is just like the WTP Feeds. In this page you will see all pornstars feeds (not wtp feeds) . it is easier for admin which feed grab adult videos and which feeds grab pornstar videos. in explain in next line
WTP Feeds- will have list of feeds (not pornstar feeds) admin make from "Add Feed Category".
Pornstar Feeds:- will have list of feeds (not wtp feeds) admin make from "Add Pornstars".
WTP Add Pornstars
WP-Admin → WTP(Pro) → WTP Add Pornstars
Porn Star Name: You can enter porn star name in this field.
Porn Star Image: Upload Porn Star Image (Best Image Size 190px X 215px)
Status: Status is "Enabled" or "Disabled" . Only "Enabled" porn star would be display on site.
Porn star list would be display below.
You can Edit / Delete the porn star by click Edit / Delete link infront of each porn star.
WTP CSV Grabber
WP-Admin → WTP(Pro) → WTP CSV Grabber
You can grab videos from CSV format. NOTE- CVS imports only work on (xHamster.com, RedTube.com, Pornhub.com, Tube8.com, YouPorn.com Only).
Import from: You need to first select the source feed from drop down.
Upload CSV: You need to upload the CSV file.
Select destination Category: videos will be saved in selected category.
Please check below image for more details
NOTE: You need to set server max_execution_time UNLIMITED [max_execution_time = 0] default time is (30 seconds). Because CSV file may be big and script take time to grab videos from CSV. So script execution time should be UNLIMITED [max_execution_time = 0].
CSV file may be big so you need to set upload_max_filesize (Maximum allowed size for uploaded files) and post_max_size (Must be greater than or equal to upload_max_filesize) should be large.
We do not suggest uploading large CSV file on server. If file size is very large then script does not upload to server and grabbing may take long time if you already have large videos in your blog. Always upload small CSV file to avoid server related problems.
xHamster.com: xHamster pays $2.50 per 1k for High-quality countries and $0.50 for Low-quality. List of HQ countries includes most of the Latin American countries. xHamster pays $2.00 for HQ countries sent via embedded videos. xHamster Affiliate Section.
RedTube.com: Earn cash with the RedTube / HubTraffic affiliate program.
Pornhub.com: Earn cash with the Pornhub / HubTraffic affiliate program.
Tube8.com: Earn cash with the Tube8 / HubTraffic affiliate program.
YouPorn.com: Earn cash with the YouPorn / HubTraffic affiliate program.
Delete Broken Videos
WP-Admin → WTP(Pro) → Delete Broken Videos
You can delete the broken videos.
Import from: You need to first select the source feed from drop down.
Upload CSV: You need to upload the CSV file of broken videos
NOTE- You need to make .csv file of deleted videos. Each deleted videos should be next line. Please check the sample file.
WTP Settings
WP-Admin → WTP(Pro) → WTP Settings
You can auto update the WTP Plugin by clicking the checkbox. By default Auto-update is disable. You need to enable it by click the checkbox
You can change the general settings about plugin. Here you may change the size of the embedded videos. Please note that changing these settings will change previously imported videos too. All videos size will be change as you set. Default Video size is 640 px(Width) X 450 px(Height).
NOTE- Please backup DB and PHP files before making any changes. this is just for safty point of view.
Fake vew counter: Here you can set minimum and maximum number of fake view. script take any random number between the range you set ( by default range is 1 to 1000).
You can set the number of feeds per page on "WTP Feeds". Default is 10 FEEDS per page. We recommended you to set LESS number of feeds per page & Less number of videos grab from each feed. Script will grab videos easily without load to your MYSQL SERVER & High CPU USES when you have thousands of videos in your database.
If you set higher number of feeds per page & grab large number of videos from each feed then script take time to grab videos and may be load to your MYSQL SERVER & High CPU USES when you have thousands of videos in your database.
For your SERVER safety point of view we recommend to set Less number of feed per page ( default is 10) feeds per page & less videos grab from each feed (default is 4).
If you have 200 feeds and you set 10 feed per page then you have 20 pages in your WTP Feeds page.
Do not think to grab all videos in day. Grab small videos daily, which is only way to avoid all future problems.
Cpanel Cron Job
WP-Admin → WTP(Pro) → Cpanel Cron Job
If you want to grab videos automatically then use this Cpanel cron job features. from this page you can grab videos automatically from Cpanel Cron Job.
Here you may setup a server cron job in order to automatically import videos to your site on a regular basis. Do not attempt to use this function if you have no experience setting up cron jobs. Please note that we recommend manually importing videos as it is more reliable and makes it easier to remove broken videos quickly, which help your site keep a higher reputation. For a video tutorial on how to setup server cron jobs via cPanel, Please visit this link.
If you have shared server or your have small hosting plan then we recommended you to please keep 15 minutes gap or more between 2 cron job files. Please do not try to run two or more cron files at same time. It cause of HIGH CPU uses and load mysql server when you have lots of videos in your site.
Cpanel cron job is server dependent. If your server does not allow to running cron job from cpanel then don't worry we have WTP based cron job for you. Please click here for WTP based cron job.
Secret key: Your cron job file needs to be generated with a secret key to avoid hacking attempts. To generate a new secret key, simply click the button "Generate a new secret key".
You need to rename "wtp-rename-this-cron-job-file.php" to Secret key (xrfjyk5fd.php as above screenshot ) and upload it to the main directory of your WordPress site.
You can do it automatically by click the below button. Some server does not allow renaming and uploading file through script. In that condition you have to manually rename and upload that file.
1) Login to your Cpanel
2) Go to Cron Job Module
3) In Command: line write command "wget -qO- http://YOURDOMAINNAME/xrfjyk5fd.php" & set the cron job Time & add it . Click here for screenshot
Please login to your wp-admin and go to WTP Cron Job Module Page. We have clearly explained everything on that page how it work if you still have any problem then please email me at wtpplugin@gmail.com
WTP Cron Job
WP-Admin → WTP(Pro) → WTP Cron Job
We recommend manually importing videos as it is more reliable and makes it easier to remove broken videos quickly, which help your site keep a higher reputation.
If you still want to grab videos automatically then we recommend Cpanel cron job because it have more features then WTP cron job. From Cpanel cron job you can set (Minute, Hour, Day, Month and Weekday) while from WTP Cron Job you can set (only seconds).
If your server does not allow to run cron job then you have an option to use WTP cron job to grab videos automatically.
How Does WTP Cron Job Work:- When you enter URL and Interval (In seconds) and click the "Save Settings" then that cron job run Immediately and then run after every Interval (In seconds) you set.
Example:- If you add cron job and set 600 in Interval (In seconds) then that cron job run Immediately and then run after every 600 Seconds (10 Minutes). I hope it is clear now.
If you still have any problems in wtp-tube-plugin then feel free to email me at wtpplugin@gmail.com