You don't have time to import videos? Don't worry we have a great option for you. We will add 200K (2,00,000) xvideos embed videos on your site just for $100. Average video price just $1 / 2K (2000) videos and these videos will play with JW Player or Fluid Player (VAST Ready ADS PreRoll, MidRoll, PostRoll). Video will not redirect to source website. Visitor will stay on your site and you will earn money on putting your ADS on adult videos . I think this is going to be the best deal for you to make readymade big site already having 200K (2,00,000) videos. Don't worry about installation. We will add 200K (2,00,000) videos in 55 categories on your site. We will not take any installation charges. All videos are from the best porn site and All videos length is greater then 5 Mins. long videos increase reputation of your adult site and All videos views betweekn 80K to 98K. Higher views looks more famous videos.
NOTEāIf you already have any WTP(Pro) or WTP Customize Package and you just want to add 200K (2,00,000) Videos, then just pay $100. We will add 200K (2,00,000) videos to your site.
How we will upload 200K xvideos embed videos on your server ? You need to provide us your server Control Panel, Database Panel URL and login details and we need maximum 24 hours to add videos on your server ( Sometime it may take more than 24 hours all depends upon your server).
We will install WordPress and upload 200K (2,00,000) videos Database size (Approx 600 MB), Video images size (Approx 6.25 GB), Categories, Tags.....and wp-tube-plugin plugins and themes. We will give you running adult site already having 200K (2,00,000) videos in it. Further you can import videos as you want.
If you have any custom requirement and want videos 400K, 600K, 1 Million.... or any other requirement then please email me at
NOTE- Your old database including old posts, category and everything will be lost if we upload new database.
NOTE- Server Disk Inodes Must be 300K or above if you add 200K videos.
What is Inodes ?
Files And Directories (Inodes) Limit. The number of files and folder you have in your hosting plan . To reduce the number of nodes, remove the unnecessary files from your server. Once the Inodes limit is reached, you will no longer be able to create any additional files or directories, even if there is still available space on the disk. Your website might also stop working properly, and the file manager may show some errors.
If you want to add 200K (2,00,000) videos then your server Disk Inodes limit must be at least 300K (3,00,000) or greater.
Normally wp-tube-plugin import multiple (4) images from source site. 200K (2,00,000) videos means (2,00,000 x 4 = 8,00,000 video images) and WordPress & plugins and themes also have number of files (nodes). Any server does not have such a large Inodes (8,00,000) limit, or you will have to buy very expensive server for this.
So we have only import the single (1) image for (2,00,000) videos to reduce the number of nodes. We have only import 1 image for 200K (2,00,000) videos to keep inodes reduce so that you can further import videos. Please feel free to contact us at if you have any query.
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